Tuesday 29 January 2019

Welcome to 2019

Well, the time is coming when we all return refreshed, smiling and looking forward to the next year with a lovely new bundle of students eager and willing to learn. We have a new space this year upon the deck where our Year 5s were last year as Year 4s. Hopefully come Term 2 we will have our final home in the new school, which is moving along in leaps and bounds.

Here is a link to our Whanākitanga Website where we can find our learning. We have a new look this year which incorporates the Tui, who loves to mimic and learn dipping its beak all over the place.


  1. Kia Ora Mrs mundy, my name is Kingston, from Red Hill School. I really like what you done with the website and I can't wait to get learning again after the school holidays.

  2. Hi Mrs Mundy,its Braedyn from Red Hill School. I like the kiwi and the tui and all of the new pictures on our new website. It looks super nice I hope you add something else. And I hope you add some Maori patterns and some korus and I hope you add some other amazing pictures up and I like the guy that's holding the big pencil cause its funny and I like the four people that are working together and being a good team.


Please remember to be helpful, thoughtful and encouraging.